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What does your app cost?

Calculate the cost of an app

Do you have a good idea for an app but are you curious about what it would cost? Then open our price calculator and you will receive an estimate of the price within 3 minutes .

Factors that determine the cost of an app

Developing a custom app comes with significant costs, and while the average price is between $3,000 and $20,000, there are several factors that can affect the cost. Here we will show you how we make a realistic estimate using our calculator and how you can save money if necessary.

Purpose of the app: prototype, MVP or business app

Depending on the purpose of your app, there are different levels of elaboration. Prototypes are there to test ideas, Minimal Viable Products (MVPs) contain the minimum set of functions but are in fact full-fledged apps. We also call them 'standard' apps because this is the most common type. Finally, there are Business apps that are considerably more expensive. There are often multiple user roles and high security requirements.


Native vs Web app: what suits your idea?

The choice between native apps (IOS/Android) in the app stores and web apps (PWAs) affects development costs and publishing procedures. Web apps are more cost-efficient, quicker to optimize, and offer more control over updates. In addition, there are now few technical differences between the two types.


Many features are standard and affordable, but new technologies such as Augmented Reality can significantly increase costs. It is important to determine which functions are really a requirement and which should be on the wish list. There are often multiple ways to do something.

Number of screens

Each screen requires extra work to develop. We are talking about unique screens here because sometimes only the content changes. For example, consider a screen with a table in which you can show both users and orders.


Design or standard components

You probably know them: apps that look striking and really have their own style and looks. However, these are often apps from large companies such as WhatsApp or Netflix because they have a significant cost.

We usually use proven standard components that are largely customizable. For example, we can adjust the font, roundings, border color, border thickness or fill color of a button. Quite a lot actually and without expensive design components.


Saving on app development is therefore possible without sacrificing quality. By making smart choices, having a clear goal in mind, and finding the right balance between features and costs, you can build an app that is both budget-friendly and high-quality.

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